Monday, November 30, 2009

Engage or Exit!

So many visitors to a Trade Show or Expo have on their mind "Engage or Exit".

It's not a conscious thought, but they know if you don't pay them attention or at the very least acknowledge their presence, they are out of there.  How do you do that?  It's easy when there are only one or two people per staff member in your booth, but what about peak hour?  You MUST have a strategy to deal with the busy times.  Even if you have one of your team nominated as the "Preview Person".

The Preview Person will quickly move among the people, get their contact details and what they are interested in.  They do not have to be as knowledgable as your key staff members but they can quickly engage, comment on how busy it is and get someone to get back to them.  It is a way that everyone gets engaged and your can then follow up later in the show by calling their mobile phone or follow up after the show.

How do you deal with peak hour?

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