Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Bane of Booth Babes

You have seen them at nearly every trade show you go to. Attractive women (and men) handing out brochures. If you start asking them some questions about the product or service, they almost deflate in front of you! I have seen them pick up their script, refer to the cheat sheet, check with their colleage and even refer me to the store outside the trade show!!!

Like all things in you booth, you have to ask the question, "does it add value?"

If it add's real value to have a booth babe, great do it! More often than not, one of your employees is more knowledgable, more enthusiastic, more interested and more clothed than the booth babe.

If you decide you do want a booth babe, at the very least make sure they have the confidence and knowledge to actively engage a prospect or customer and get the correct details for a followup. Good looks may get people to your booth but real service will keep them there for the sale.


Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy

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