Monday, September 27, 2010

Sales Tips from a 10 Year Old Sri Lankan

It is amazing what you can learn in the strangest of places.

On the road from Colombo to Yala I learnt a valuable sales tip that is applicable to any sales situation but particularly to exhibitors.  All across Sri Lanka there are huts on the side of the road where the locals sell their produce.  Here is one we stopped at that had a lot of different beans, peas, grains and chillies.

Some of the more humble huts are staffed by children.  (Hut is a bit generous. It is more a simple table!)  As you got closer they were smiling, holding high what they had to sell and inviting you to stop and look at their produce.  Originally I just dismissed them as kids selling vegetables but then I noticed something.  After we went past, they were still smiling and simply tried to engage the next passer by.  It got me thinking and comparing this young boy to many of the exhibitors I have seen and worked with.

Here is what that 10 year old Sri Lankan taught me: 
  • Smile! It helps to engage with the passers by.
  • Make sure the prospect knows exactly what you are offering - even if this means waving around your product.
  • Use some kind of pick up line to engage the passer by.
  • If they don't stop, don't take it personally. Keep smiling and look for the next person.
Such simple things that so many in sales, and particularly those exhibiting at Trade Shows or Expos, forget to do.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Would You Like A Drink?

One of the things that many people forget to do is drink.  I don't mean whip down to the pub and have a sly bevy, I mean drink plenty of fluids during the day.  Too often we can get so involved in what we are working on that we neglect to have enough fluids.  This leads to the typical symptoms of being thirsty, dry lips and also headaches, dizziness and cramping.

For those of us on the trade show or expo floor it is worse.  One of the best ways to release fluid from the body is by talking.  We exhibitors talk non-stop for 8 hours and it is common to do this without any breaks.  So often I see exhibitors get headaches or cramps and lose focus.  I believe a lot of this is not looking after your basic needs.
So the question is how much fluid should you have?

The correct answer is, "It depends".  The old standard of 8 cups (2 litres) of water a day is not entirely accurate.  There are many factors to consider.  The best thing to do is review this simple guide on the Kidney Health Australia website.  There is some great information there.

Personally, I swear by the old backpacker trick I learned while traveling (it gets handed down from generation to generation).  If your urine is yellow, you are dehydrated so you need to drink more fluids.  Water is the best fluid but others will contribute to re-hydrating you.
So to keep your head clear, your mind focused, your day on track (and your urine clear), drink more fluids!!

Can I offer you a drink?


PS For those of you who based in Melbourne or who are in Melbourne on Tuesday 26th of October, come and visit me at Meeting Mart.  Tickets are free from the website and I will be exhibiting my wares as a Speaker and MC. For my Exhibiting clients, come and see how I do it and for my speaking clients, come and get some great resources from myself and others to make your next session fabulous.